Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lucky 13

 This past week Jonah and I visited Salish Lodge at Snoqualmie Falls in Washington.  We are celebrating 13 years of marriage, a milestone for our generation.  When Jonah asked me to marry him, we talked about how we were (mostly me at 19) were on the young side to be getting married.  Jonah assured me that we would grow up together.  And we have.
Together we have worked, served, laughed, cried, prayed, changed.  We have done college, surgeries, moved, traveled,  built houses, had babies.  We've each taken turns to stand on the side and cheer the other toward goals.  We have been partners in every sense of the word.  

 It hasn't always been easy or perfect.  
One of my favorite thing about visiting the falls is that everyday that there is sun, there is a rainbow on the cliff by the falls.  It blessed my soul to see it, to remember God's promise.  It reminded me that though there will be rainy days, the sun will come.  We have hope!  We have joy!
 I may just be the luckiest woman alive. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Disney Real

I'm always amazed at how Disney does it.  Everything about going to Disneyland is pure magic. 
As we went in the park, we told the girls about "Disney Real", how EVERYTHING in Disneyland is REAL.   And it was! 

We went as a big family with so much to celebrate...
Dad's 60th birthday and successful re-election campaign.  
My parents 39th Wedding anniversary.
My sister's cancerversary and all we have persevered through as a family. 
We had such a joy-filled time.   It really was wonderful.

Friday, March 23, 2012

"Snow - ver" the top!

I had been whining about our snowfall this year.  We've had several sad excuses for snow days...never anything more then an inch.  What a surprise to wake up in the middle of the night (thanks to a 103 fever child) to see 8 inches at our house!
 Finally, enough snow to sled the driveway.
Stella braving a fever to spend a few minutes enjoying sledding.
Jonah, Adrianne and Charlotte make a snowman.  Yes, that is a pipe he's smoking.
  Peaking out of the Igloo before the top went on.  Jonah took notes from an episode of Curious George and got it just right.
 Jonah has been teaching the girls the meaning of "over the top", like adding bacon to smores and putting avocados on just about everything.  So we couldn't end our snow day without going even bigger then an about a cookout with the neighbors, roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.  It was fantastic!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We did the best with what we had at the time...

We got a dusting of snow a few weeks ago, the most this winter.  Jonah was a work and the girls begged me to get up on the roof and brush down what was up there so they could go sledding.

 Stella and Adrianne made "Junior".  It took most of the snow that was on the grass.
 We hope to see more snow at our house this year!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

No chicks were harmed in the following post


Oh yes....that's better!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

the poor third child...

I laugh every time I see this picture of Charlotte trying to join in with the big sisters and their friend Makayla.  The butt bump will keep you on the outs every time!