Saturday, February 20, 2010

Oh, those Olympics

So I gave in and let the girls watch the Ice Dancing this time. After the same barrage of irritating repetitive questions, the following conversation took place:

Stella: Mom, I changed my mind. I'm going to marry Colton. He would be so proud to ice skate.
Mom: Oh, do you mean he would be your partner?
Stella: (sigh) No mom, he would be my ice skating husband.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The olympics make me nuts

So I thought it would be a great idea to watch the pairs skating with the girls. However they talk the entire time and ask the same questions/make the same statements for ever single pair.

Is she new?
She's wearing a ring? Are they married? I think they are married.
This is fabulous
Is she wearing tights?
Ohhh... I want her to win!
I want ice skates. Please can I get ice skates?
Are they going to fall down?
I hope Americans win.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sunshine and bike rides

February sunshine just draws you out! Jonah took Stella to pick up Adrianne from school and off to the park they went. We have Spring Fever. Oh mama we can't wait!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


My Sweet Charlotte-
Her red hair is so great! Getting longer and holding in clips. Her first tooth came in on Sunday. The next one today! 2 teeth in one week...that makes for one crabby patty. Good thing she is so cute.