Friday, March 26, 2010

Twinkle in my eye

This next story stems from the girls asking where they are in pictures of us before they were born. I've always said they were twinkles in my eye. Here's what I get for explaining it like that!

Adrianne: MOM! my EYE!!!!!

Me: .........(long pause, what she has announced registers)... It's NOT a baby twinkle!

Adrianne: Well, then what kind of twinkle is it?

Me: A happy twinkle... (then I decide to add a moral lesson).... God wants you to get married first and then have a baby. That's God's plan. Some people don't follow God's plan and it is much harder.

Adrianne: Oh, okay. I'll do it the way you said...unless God tells me to do it the other way...

Me: (internally freaking out a bit) NO! God does not want you to have a baby without a husband. If you ever think that God is telling you to have a baby without a husband, you are wrong!

Adrianne: (shrugs) Oh, okay. Then I'll do it the other way.

1 comment:

samantha said...

OH NO. I would really be freaking out inside =)